

Most Admired Customer Engagement (Campaigns, Creatives, Activities) - Executed From January 2024 onwards
(You Can submit multiple Entries For Each Campaign)
Each Entry will Have 1 Main Category and 1 Sub Category

Main Category (Mediums of Marketing for Customer Engagement) Sub-Category (How Best you describe It)
Digital Marketing Innovation
Mobile Marketing Creativity
Radio Effectiveness
Print & Publishing Successful Use of Technology
Television Innovative Loyalty Program
Influencer Marketing Successful Use of CSR activity
Out Of Home Media Effective use of Customer Feedback
Retail Touch Points and Merchandising Best use of Celebrity Endorsement
Events Effective use of Market Research
BTL Activities Promotions
Online Media
Word of Mouth Marketing
Non Traditional Media
Data Driven Marketing
Email Marketing
Customer Service
Experiential Marketing
Social Media App
AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Most Admired Social Message
Main Category (Excellence in PODCAST for Customer Engagement)
Below given are Sub Categories
General Podcasting
Kids & Family
News & Politics
Religion & Spirituality
Science & Medicine
Society - Culture
Sports & Recreation
Storyteller - Drama
TV & Film
Main Category (Grand Prix Award)
Below given are Sub Categories
Most Admired Digital Marketing Agency for Customer Engagement
Most Admired Mobile Marketing Agency for Customer Engagement
Most Admired Radio Station for Customer Engagement
Most Admired BTL Agency for Customer Engagement
Most Admired Newspaper for Customer Engagement
Most Admired Television Channel for Customer Engagement
Most Admired OOH Media Agency for Customer Engagement
Most Admired Online Media for Customer Engagement
Most Admired Customer Engaged Brands
Most Admired OTT Platform for Customer Engagement
Most Admired Influencer Marketing Agency of the Year
Customer Engagement Team of the Year (Agency)*
Customer Engagement Team of the Year (Brand)*

01. Digital Marketing Professional of the Year Award
Description:The Digital Marketing Professional of the Year Award is a prestigious accolade that recognizes an exceptional individual who has demonstrated outstanding expertise, innovation, and leadership in the field of digital marketing. This award honors a visionary who has not only achieved remarkable results but has also contributed significantly to the advancement of digital marketing practices and the industry as a whole.
Criteria: Provide comprehensive details about the nominee's achievements, contributions, and alignment with the criteria.Strategic Vision: Results and Achievements: Leadership and Innovation: Thought Leadership: Adaptability to Trends: Positive Impact on Business: Innovation in Customer Engagement:

02. Customer Engagement Professional of the Year Award
Description: The Customer Engagement Professional of the Year Award is a prestigious recognition that celebrates an exceptional individual who has demonstrated exceptional expertise, dedication, and innovation in the realm of customer engagement. This award honors an individual who has not only achieved remarkable results but has also significantly contributed to advancing customer engagement practices and enhancing relationships between organizations and their audiences.
Criteria: Provide comprehensive details about the nominee's achievements, contributions, and alignment with the criteria.:Strategic Vision: Measurable Impact: Leadership and Collaboration: Thought Leadership: Incorporation of Multichannel Approaches: Data-Driven Insights: Innovation in Engagement Techniques: Positive Impact on Brand Perception: Collaboration with Customers:

03. Outdoor Media Professional of the Year Award
Description: The Outdoor Media Professional of the Year Award is a prestigious accolade that celebrates an exceptional individual who has demonstrated exceptional expertise, creativity, and innovation in the realm of outdoor media marketing. This award recognizes a visionary who has not only achieved remarkable results but has also significantly contributed to advancing outdoor media practices and reshaping the way brands engage with audiences in the physical world.
Criteria: Nominees for the Outdoor Media Professional of the Year Award will be evaluated based on the following criteria:Strategic Vision: Creativity and Conceptualization: Effective Use of Space:Data-Informed Decision-Making: Integration with Digital: Positive Community Impact: Collaboration and Partnerships

04. PR Professional of the Year Award
Description: The PR Professional of the Year Award is a distinguished recognition that celebrates an outstanding individual who has demonstrated exceptional expertise, innovation, and leadership in the field of public relations (PR). This award honors a visionary who has not only achieved remarkable results but has also significantly contributed to advancing PR practices and shaping the way organizations communicate with their stakeholders.
Criteria: Nominees for the PR Professional of the Year Award will be evaluated based on the following criteria: Strategic Communications: Measurable Results: Crisis Management: Media Relations Mastery: Stakeholder Engagement: Thought Leadership Contributions: Integration of Digital PR: Positive Impact on Brand Perception: Collaboration and Partnerships

05. Most Admired Podcast Professional of the Year Award
Description: The Most Admired Podcast Professional of the Year Award is a prestigious recognition that celebrates an exceptional individual who has demonstrated remarkable expertise, creativity, and leadership in the realm of podcasting. This award honors a visionary who has not only achieved outstanding results but has also significantly contributed to advancing the podcasting industry, reshaping audio content, and connecting with audiences through the power of podcasting.
Criteria: Nominees for the Most Admired Podcast Professional of the Year Award will be evaluated based on the following criteria:Innovative Content Creation: Engagement and Reach: Quality Production: Impactful Guest Selection: Thought Leadership Contributions: Audience Interaction: Cross-Platform Integration: Positive Impact: Podcasting Innovation

06. Most Admired News Anchor of the Year Award
Description: The Most Admired News Anchor of the Year Award is a prestigious honor that celebrates an exceptional individual who has demonstrated exceptional journalistic skills, integrity, and leadership in the field of news anchoring. This award recognizes a news anchor who has not only delivered outstanding news coverage but has also become a trusted voice, shaping public opinion, and providing insightful perspectives on important events.
Criteria: Nominees for the Most Admired News Anchor of the Year Award will be evaluated based on the following criteria:Journalistic Excellence: Integrity and Objectivity: Innovative Reporting: Connection with Audience: Impactful Storytelling: Thought Leadership Contributions: Community Engagement: Cross-Platform Presence: Positive Influence

07. Apprentice Radio Jockey of the Year Award
Description: The Apprentice Radio Jockey of the Year Award is a prestigious accolade that celebrates a talented young individual who has demonstrated exceptional skills, passion, and potential as an apprentice radio jockey. This award acknowledges an apprentice radio jockey who has not only captivated audiences with their engaging and creative broadcasts but has also contributed to the growth and vibrancy of the radio industry.
Criteria: Nominees for the Apprentice Radio Jockey of the Year Award will be evaluated based on the following criteria: On-Air Excellence: Content Innovation: Audience Engagement: Achievements and Contributions: Adaptability: Positive Energy and Presence: Influence and Impact: Learning and Growth: Future Potential

08. Celebrity Radio Jockey of the Year Award
Description: The Celebrity Radio Jockey of the Year Award is a prestigious recognition that celebrates a renowned individual who has brought charisma, entertainment, and captivating content to the world of radio broadcasting. This award acknowledges a celebrity radio jockey who has not only enriched the airwaves with their unique personality but has also left a lasting impact on listeners, contributing to the vibrancy of the radio industry.
Criteria: Nominees for the Celebrity Radio Jockey of the Year Award will be evaluated based on the following criteria:Distinctive On-Air Presence: Engaging Content: Connection with Listeners: Impactful Campaigns: Celebrity Influence: Innovation and Uniqueness: Positive Influence: Contribution to Radio: Entertainment Legacy:

09. Radio Jockey of the Year Award
Description: The Radio Jockey of the Year Award is a prestigious recognition that celebrates an exceptional individual who has demonstrated outstanding talent, creativity, and dedication in the field of radio broadcasting. This award honors a radio jockey who has not only captured the hearts of listeners with their on-air charisma but has also made a significant impact on the radio industry through their engaging content and unique style.
Criteria: Nominees for the Radio Jockey of the Year Award will be evaluated based on the following criteria: On-Air Excellence: Engaging Content: Connection with Listeners: Innovative Segments: Positive Influence: Community Engagement: Versatility: Influence on Radio Industry: Legacy in Radio

Introducing New Individual Award Categories

10. Customer Engagement Champion of the Year: This award celebrates an individual who has consistently demonstrated exceptional dedication, creativity, and results in driving customer engagement initiatives. The winner exemplifies a deep understanding of customer needs, effective communication, and the ability to foster lasting relationships.

11. Innovator in Customer Engagement: This award recognizes an individual who has introduced ground breaking and innovative strategies to enhance customer engagement. The winner showcases a creative mindset, embraces emerging technologies, and has successfully transformed customer interactions.

12. Customer Experience Visionary: This award honours an individual with a forward-thinking approach to customer engagement and experience. The winner demonstrates a deep understanding of customer journey mapping, touch point optimization, and the ability to create seamless and memorable experiences.

13. Customer Feedback Catalyst: This award acknowledges an individual who has shown exceptional skills in gathering and leveraging customer feedback to drive improvements. The winner demonstrates the ability to turn feedback into actionable insights that enhance products, services, and overall customer satisfaction.

14. Social Media Engagement Leader: This award celebrates an individual who has excelled in engaging customers through social media platforms. The winner demonstrates effective communication, responsiveness, and the ability to turn social interactions into meaningful relationships.

15. Data-Driven Engagement Specialist: This award recognizes an individual who uses data analytics and insights to create personalized and effective customer engagement strategies. The winner showcases a keen understanding of customer behavior, segmentation, and targeted engagement tactics.

16. Multichannel Engagement Expert: This award honours an individual who has mastered the art of engaging customers across various channels, both digital and traditional. The winner demonstrates the ability to create consistent and compelling experiences across diverse touch points.

17. Customer Service Excellence Ambassador: This award celebrates an individual who consistently goes above and beyond in delivering exceptional customer service. The winner demonstrates empathy, problem-solving skills, and a commitment to resolving customer issues promptly.

18. Community Engagement Leader: This award recognizes an individual who has made a significant impact in building and nurturing customer communities. The winner fosters a sense of belonging, encourages meaningful discussions, and promotes knowledge sharing among customers.

19. Lifetime Achievement in Customer Engagement: This prestigious award honours an individual with a remarkable career dedicated to customer engagement. The winner has left a lasting legacy in creating positive customer experiences, driving customer loyalty, and contributing to the field of customer engagement.

Name of the Agency/Client - This will come on winners trophy
Upload the Write-up (Google Drive) - Max 500 words in PPT, PDF or Word Doc & upload the file on Google Drive and share the Link in public sharing mode
Upload the supportives (Google Drive) - (Images, PPT etc) on Google Drive & Copy the link in public sharing mode Max 3
Upload the Video on Youtube - Copy the link in Entry Details Sheet (Max 2)
For radio award categories Upload Audio file on Sound Cloud - Copy the link Max 2 (if any)
Criteria/Details for Entry Submission for Customer Engagement Campaigns, Creatives, Activities
Highlight any unique campaigns that resulted in improved customer engagement .
This will also include campaigns started before the time frame but has to be ongoing in the given financial year.
Max 500 Words Write up(Covering Note to Justify Your Entry Which Should Include (Not Compulsory to be in the same pointers). Concept, Media Strategy & Plan, Target Audience, Execution & Results if you can provide) to be uploaded on google drive along with relevant supportive. 
Highlight new technology implementations/processes that improved customer engagement (if applicable).
For Individual & Organisation Awards
Highlight any unique campaigns that resulted in improved customer engagement .
Write up of not more than 2000 words (Concept, Implementation of Innovative Ideas and Key Achievements, Awards received (if any) 
Campaigns/Activities executed from January 2024 onwards can be submitted as supportives to be uploaded on google drive , videos from youtube if any (to be shared as public sharing links). 

For more information, please contact